Exploring the World of Solo Roleplaying Games: Unleashing Creativity and Freedom

This is the first time I am putting myself out into the world writing about my passion for the hobby of roleplaying games. 

I aim to explore all kinds of ways that you can play them solitaire, not just a few popular methods. With my ideas, opinions, and writing, I hope to bring great value to the TTRPG community, enabling more people to engage in these games, even when they don’t have anyone to play with or prefer to play alone as a form of reflection or meditative exercise. 

Solo roleplaying games offer a unique and captivating experience for gamers looking to embark on adventures independently. Unlike traditional tabletop games where players interact with each other, solo RPGs place the individual at the helm of their own imaginative journey.

In this article, we delve into the diverse facets of solo roleplaying games and the freedom they offer to players.

No One and Only Way

One of the most intriguing aspects of solo roleplaying games is the absence of a singular approach. Unlike traditional RPGs with rulebooks and guidelines, solo RPGs are a canvas for personal expression and creativity. There’s no right or wrong way to play; the rules are yours to make.

  • Simple FKR-like rules: Providing a basic framework for gameplay while leaving ample room for improvisation and creativity.
  • Using game rules in conjunction with an oracle: Such as Mythic GME or other similar tools, combining structured mechanics with unpredictable storytelling elements.
  • Utilizing a random word generator: Injecting unexpected prompts and twists into the narrative, fostering spontaneity and surprise.
  • Interacting with ChatGPT or AI Dungeon: Leveraging artificial intelligence to generate dynamic storylines and characters.
  • Maintaining a detailed journal with maps and character drawings: Immersing themselves in the world they’ve created, adding depth and richness to their solo adventures.
  • Crafting the story solely in their minds: Allowing for a fluid and organic narrative to unfold as they play.
  • Recording voice sessions for personal or public podcasts: Sharing their solo RPG experiences with others, enriching the community through storytelling.
  • Using phone cameras to document gameplay with miniatures and terrain: Enhancing immersion by visually depicting the unfolding story.
  • Exploring various styles of play: Including dungeon-delving, space-traveling, hex-crawling, and intricate political or court intrigue, among others.

You are the rule maker

In solo RPGs, you are not only the player but also the rule maker. You have the liberty to set the boundaries of your adventure and tailor the experience to your preferences. Rules serve as a framework, providing structure to your journey while leaving room for improvisation and spontaneity.

Sometimes you may feel like tracking every pound of travel rations and gallons of water as you are traveling through the wilderness, checking terrain type and every mile trekked… But other times you may want to just create or randomize a challenge that arises because you didn’t buy enough food in town.

Rules in solo RPGs are akin to recipes—they provide structure and guidance. While some players prefer a more structured approach, others thrive on spontaneity and improvisation. Consistent rules help counter biases and ensure a balanced gameplay experience.

Embracing Constraints

While solo RPGs thrive on freedom, rules can be instrumental, especially for beginners. They create a constrained reality within which players can immerse themselves, offering a sense of direction and coherence to the narrative. However, these rules are not binding; they serve as guidelines that can be adapted and modified as needed.

The Evolution of Solo Play

The landscape of solo roleplaying has evolved over time. From gamebooks and dungeon crawlers to oracles and journaling, players have a myriad of options to choose from. Oracles have become a popular choice, but there’s no definitive method. Each approach offers its own unique blend of storytelling and gameplay.

At the beginning of times, the only way to play solo was following Gary Gygax’s advice in his Gygax OD&D Additions and that sort of worked only for exploring a dungeon. Then the Ian Livingstone Fighting Fantasy adventure books were created, the first one being The Warlock of Firetop Mountain. So people were playing solitaire this ways when not in a group.Later, Tana Pigeon created the Mythic Game Master Emulator, which is the precursor of almost all subtypes of solo systems and still widely used. Nowadays, we have systems designed specifically for solo (and cooperative) play, like Ironsworn RPG and more are being written as we speak.

The Art of Storytelling

At its core, solo roleplaying is about crafting stories from nothingness. Whether simple or complex, gamified or freeform, storytelling is a skill that players cultivate through practice and exploration. As Albert Einstein famously said, “Play is the highest form of research.”

You will only get to know and understand yourself and what moves you as you learn and play different systems and slowly create your own hacks, mixing and fusing different rules that you like and shake your inspiration juices.

From Frustration to Freedom: Navigating the Balance

Navigating the path from frustration to freedom in solo roleplaying involves finding the delicate balance between total lack of rules and constraints versus rigid, board game-like procedures. It’s about discovering the sweet spot where creativity flourishes without feeling overwhelmed by structure. This balance is highly individual, varying from person to person based on their preferences and play style. 

Some may thrive on the freedom of open-ended storytelling, while others prefer the guidance of structured rulesets. As a guide through this journey, I’m here to help readers explore the myriad methods of solo roleplaying, providing insight and resources to navigate the diverse landscape of gameplay options. Whether you lean towards minimalist rules or crave detailed mechanics, there’s a solo RPG experience tailored to your needs and preferences.

Getting Started: Exploring Various Styles of Play

With numerous approaches to solo play, ranging from dungeon-delving to intricate political intrigue, it’s easy for newcomers and seasoned veterans alike to feel overwhelmed by the sheer variety. The transition from inspiration to action can sometimes be daunting, leading players to spend minutes, if not hours, searching for the perfect starting point or the motivation to continue their adventure. 

Recognizing this challenge, we’ll delve into the study of each solo roleplaying style, providing gameplay examples and practical advice to help players overcome obstacles and ignite their creativity. Whether you’re a newbie eager to embark on your first solo adventure or a seasoned grognard seeking fresh inspiration, we’re here to guide you through the diverse landscape of solo roleplaying.